
North Austin News

Friday, March 28, 2025

Williamson County: White students were most represented ethnicity in 2022-23 school year

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Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath (2024) | Ballotpedia

Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath (2024) | Ballotpedia

White students made up the largest ethnic group in Williamson County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 118,224 students attending Williamson County schools, 40.3% were white. Hispanic students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 34.1% of the total enrollment.

In the previous school year, white students also made up the largest ethnic group in Williamson County, comprising 42% of the student body.

Teravista Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the county schools, which included 40.1% white students, 23.6% Hispanic students, 16.6% Asian students, 10.9% Black students, 8.5% multiracial students, 0.3% American Indian students, and 0.1% Pacific Islander students.

In the 2022-23 school year, total public school enrollment in the county increased by 1.6% when compared to the previous year.

Texas is found to be one of the least educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.

Underfunding is a frequently cited challenge facing the state's school district. Per-pupil funding has not increased since 2019, despite inflation rates rising by more than 20% since then.

Percentage Breakdown of Ethnic Representation in 2022-23 Enrollment in Williamson County

White [40.3%]Hispanic [34.1%]Asian [13%]Black [6.7%]Multi-racial [5.4%]Ethnicities <5% [0.5%]
Students’ Ethnicity Percentage in Williamson County Schools in 2022-23 School Year

School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal enrollment
Ada Mae Faubion Elementary SchoolWhite38.8%402
Anderson Mill Elementary SchoolHispanic53.6%455
Annie Purl Elementary SchoolHispanic69.8%557
Artie L. Henry Middle SchoolWhite47%1,254
Bagdad Elementary SchoolHispanic51.5%829
Benjamin Doc Kerley Elementary SchoolHispanic38.9%736
Bill Burden Elementary SchoolWhite68.7%808
Blackland Prairie Elementary SchoolWhite49.5%749
Block House Creek Elementary SchoolWhite57.3%471
Bluebonnet Elementary SchoolHispanic77.3%379
Brushy Creek Elementary SchoolWhite43.6%534
C. C. Mason Elementary SchoolWhite50.9%636
C. D. Fulkes Middle SchoolHispanic62.1%630
Cactus Ranch Elementary SchoolAsian51.3%743
Caldwell Heights Elementary SchoolHispanic57.2%654
Carver Elementary SchoolHispanic42.1%726
Cedar Park Charter AcademyWhite44.9%127
Cedar Park High SchoolWhite61.7%1,952
Cedar Park Middle SchoolWhite60%1,286
Cedar Ridge High SchoolHispanic39.8%2,698
Cedar Valley Middle SchoolAsian39.7%1,296
Chandler Oaks Elementary SchoolWhite49.8%576
Charles A. Forbes Middle SchoolWhite46.1%670
Charlotte Cox Elementary SchoolWhite39.9%659
Chip Richarte High SchoolWhite50.9%110
Chisholm Trail Middle SchoolWhite43.9%688
Christine Camacho Elementary SchoolWhite48.7%680
Claude Berkman Elementary SchoolHispanic64%414
Cottonwood Creek Elementary SchoolHispanic49.1%686
Coupland Elementary SchoolHispanic57.5%285
Cypress Elementary SchoolWhite61.2%528
Deep Wood Elementary SchoolWhite55.2%364
Deerpark Middle SchoolHispanic37.4%861
Double File Trail Elementary SchoolHispanic37%592
Douglas Benold Middle SchoolWhite58.6%664
East View High SchoolHispanic54.1%2,075
Elementary DAEPMulti-racial50%2
Elsa England Elementary SchoolAsian73.2%960
Farley Middle SchoolHispanic48.1%975
Fern Bluff Elementary SchoolWhite56.3%652
Florence Elementary SchoolHispanic51.5%515
Florence High SchoolHispanic48.8%377
Florence Middle SchoolHispanic51.6%275
Florence W. Stiles Middle SchoolWhite42.5%1,503
Forest Creek Elementary SchoolWhite53.8%680
Forest North Elementary SchoolHispanic34.2%272
Founders Classical Academy of LeanderWhite67.2%695
Frost Elementary SchoolHispanic40.3%320
Gateway College Preparatory SchoolWhite53.6%1,540
Gateway Tech High SchoolWhite54%50
Gattis Elementary SchoolHispanic40.3%586
George Wagner Middle SchoolHispanic52.2%935
Georgetown Alter ProgHispanic72.5%40
Georgetown Behavioral Health InstituteWhite56.3%16
Georgetown Charter AcademyWhite50%90
Georgetown High SchoolWhite57.2%2,013
Glenn High SchoolWhite44.5%2,063
Goodwater Montessori SchoolWhite43.9%410
Granger SchoolHispanic47.5%549
Great Oaks Elementary SchoolWhite40%845
Harmony School of Endeavor AustinAsian44.2%896
Hopewell Middle SchoolHispanic36.7%1,184
Howard Norman Elementary SchoolHispanic43.3%589
Hutto Elementary SchoolHispanic41.8%744
Hutto High SchoolHispanic47%2,010
Hutto Middle SchoolHispanic44.8%1,179
Hutto Ninth Grade CenterHispanic48.5%796
Igo Elementary SchoolHispanic60.7%966
James E. Mitchell Elementary SchoolHispanic48.1%724
James Garland Walsh Middle SchoolWhite45.8%1,151
James Tippit Middle SchoolHispanic48.9%628
Jarrell Elementary SchoolHispanic49.2%785
Jarrell High SchoolHispanic56.2%868
Jarrell Middle SchoolHispanic54.3%741
Jim Plain Elementary SchoolWhite42.9%811
Jo Ann Ford Elementary SchoolWhite68.7%527
Ki Charter Academy Liberty HillWhite62%100
Knox Wiley Middle SchoolWhite53.3%783
Larkspur Elementary SchoolWhite45.1%855
Leander Extended OpportunityWhite51.7%58
Leander High SchoolWhite47.7%2,218
Leander Middle SchoolWhite43.5%802
Legacy Early College High SchoolHispanic60.4%144
Liberty Hill Elementary SchoolWhite59.6%574
Liberty Hill High SchoolWhite61.4%2,001
Liberty Hill Middle SchoolWhite65.9%944
Linda Herrington Elementary SchoolWhite36.5%797
Live Oak Elementary SchoolWhite38.5%423
Lois F. Giddens Elementary SchoolWhite37.5%485
Louine Noble Elementary SchoolWhite44.9%704
Main Street Intermediate SchoolHispanic64.4%219
Meridian World School LlcAsian38.4%1,690
Monta Jane Akin Elementary SchoolWhite41.1%875
Nadine Johnson Elementary SchoolHispanic41.6%608
Naomi Pasemann Elementary SchoolHispanic63.3%649
New Hope High SchoolWhite54.9%51
Neysa Callison Elementary SchoolHispanic51.9%647
Noel Grisham Middle SchoolWhite40.7%585
Officer Leonard A. Reed Elementary SchoolHispanic57.7%674
Old Town Elementary SchoolHispanic42.4%622
PFC Robert P. Hernandez Middle SchoolHispanic53.5%647
Parkside Elementary SchoolAsian41.8%778
Pat Cooper Elementary SchoolHispanic59.9%649
Patricia Knowles Elementary SchoolHispanic57%654
Patsy Sommer Elementary SchoolAsian60.2%982
Pauline Naumann Elementary SchoolWhite52.4%466
Pearson Ranch Middle SchoolAsian51.2%956
Pleasant Hill Elementary SchoolWhite49.3%688
Pond Springs Elementary SchoolWhite48.6%516
Purple Sage Elementary SchoolWhite42.4%460
Rancho Sienna Elementary SchoolWhite56.4%927
Ray Elementary SchoolHispanic57.7%669
Raye McCoy Elementary SchoolWhite65.8%524
Redbud Elementary SchoolWhite44.5%440
Ridgeview Middle SchoolWhite46%1,230
Ronald Reagan Elementary SchoolWhite41.4%817
Round Rock High SchoolWhite43.5%3,773
Round Rock Opport Center DAEPHispanic48.8%86
Rouse High SchoolWhite52.5%1,943
Rrisd Early College High SchoolWhite38.3%376
Running Brushy Middle SchoolWhite47.3%1,052
Rutledge Elementary SchoolAsian38.4%984
S. T. E. P. - DetentionHispanic60%5
S. T. E. P. - DetentionHispanic75%4
S. T. E. P. - JJAEPHispanic50%2
S. T. E. P. - JJAEPHispanic50%26
STEP - COREHispanic77.8%9
STEP - COREBlack50%4
Santa Rita Elementary SchoolWhite49.7%1,038
Santa Rita Middle SchoolWhite57.8%870
Stacy Kaye Danielson Middle SchoolWhite38.9%1,357
Step - DetentionWhite100%2
Stony Point High SchoolHispanic43.2%2,570
Success High SchoolHispanic58%295
Tarvin Elementary SchoolAsian40.8%711
Taylor High SchoolHispanic62.5%907
Taylor Middle SchoolHispanic62.5%651
Teravista Elementary SchoolWhite40.1%789
Th Johnson Elementary SchoolHispanic68.2%566
Thrall Elementary SchoolWhite59.9%322
Thrall High SchoolWhite65%254
Thrall Middle SchoolWhite67.9%243
Union Hill Elementary SchoolHispanic57.9%668
Veterans Hill Elementary SchoolHispanic51.9%628
Vic Robertson Elementary SchoolHispanic67.6%352
Village Elementary SchoolWhite48.9%456
Vista Ridge High SchoolWhite46.7%2,646
Westside Elementary SchoolWhite61.3%560
Westwood High SchoolAsian39%2,820
Whitestone Elementary SchoolWhite47.7%938
William Junior Winkley Elementary SchoolWhite53%691
Williams Elementary SchoolHispanic59.5%655
Wolf Ranch Elementary SchoolWhite46.7%848
Xenia Voigt Elementary SchoolHispanic72.3%476


Jarrell MiddleRidgeview MiddleWhitestone ElementaryTarvin Elementary SchoolGreat Oaks ElementaryFlorence W. Stiles MiddleBill Burden ElementaryRutledge ElementaryGeorgetown Alternative ProgramGoodwater Montessori SchoolDell Pickett ElementaryCedar Park High SchoolElsa England ElementaryJames Tippit MiddleChristine Camacho ElementaryAnderson Mill ElementaryCedar Park MiddlePond Springs ElementaryLeander Extended OpportunityOfficer Leonard A. Reed ElementaryOld Town ElementaryKnox Wiley MiddlePfc Robert P. Hernandez MiddleLive Oak ElementaryJames Garland Walsh MiddleMeridian World School LlcDeepwood ElementaryNadine Johnson ElementaryUnion Hill ElementaryVillage ElementaryHarmony School of Endeavor AustinBluebonnet ElementaryGeorgetown High SchoolHutto High SchoolGeorgetown Behavioral Health InstituteC.d. Fulkes MiddleThrall High SchoolForest North ElementaryBagdad ElementaryGateway College Preparatory SchoolBlock House Creek ElementaryCedar Valley MiddleCaldwell Heights ElementaryDouble File Trail ElementaryKi Charter Academy Liberty HillWilliams Elementary SchoolMonta Jane Akin ElementaryEast View High SchoolDouglas Benold MiddleRound Rock High SchoolLinda Herrington ElementaryArtie L. Henry MiddleJo Ann Ford ElementaryChip Richarte High SchoolPearson Ranch MiddleFlorence High SchoolBlackland Prairie ElementaryLiberty Hill Junior HighNew Hope High SchoolNeysa Callison ElementaryRrisd Early College High SchoolBrushy Creek ElementaryChandler Oaks ElementaryLois F. Giddens ElementaryHutto ElementaryWilliamson County Juvenile DetentionFarley MiddlePauline Naumann ElementaryWilliamson County Detention CenterLarkspur ElementaryBenjamin Doc Kerley ElementaryHutto MiddleC.c. Mason ElementaryCottonwood Creek ElementaryXenia Voigt ElementaryStacy Kaye Danielson Middle SchoolJarrell High SchoolJames E. Mitchell ElementaryFrost ElementaryDeerpark MiddleSuccess High SchoolRaye Mccoy ElementaryJarrell ElementaryPurple Sage ElementaryTexas State Executive - State Board of EducationWilliamson County JjaepFern Bluff ElementaryVic Robertson ElementaryLiberty Hill IntermediateRonald Reagan ElementaryLiberty Hill ElementaryLeander MiddleRunning Brushy MiddleWilliam J. Winkley ElementaryGeorge Wagner MiddleGattis ElementaryCypress ElementaryThrall MiddleAda Mae Faubion ElementaryFlorence MiddleClaude Berkman ElementaryWilliamson County Juvenile Detention CenterGeorgetown Charter AcademyLeander High SchoolCarver ElementaryPatricia Knowles ElementaryJim Plain ElementaryNoel Grisham MiddleCedar Park Charter AcademyPat Cooper ElementaryParkside ElementaryCoupland ElementaryForest Creek ElementaryNaomi Pasemann ElementaryIgo ElementaryRedbud Elementary SchoolHoward Norman ElementaryRound Rock Opport Center DaepEl DaepRay ElementaryCharles A. Forbes MiddleCharlotte Cox ElementaryMain Street IntermediateWestwood High SchoolCedar Ridge High SchoolTeravista ElementaryCactus Ranch ElementarySanta Rita Middle SchoolChisholm Trail MiddleHopewell MiddleGlenn High SchoolFounders Classical Academy Of LeanderGateway Tech High SchoolRancho Sienna ElementaryAnnie Purl ElementaryPleasant Hill ElementaryTh Johnson ElementaryTaylor MiddleLegacy Early College High SchoolHutto Ninth Grade CenterFlorence ElementaryVeterans Hill ElementaryStony Point High SchoolStep - CoreTaylor High SchoolLiberty Hill High SchoolThrall ElementarySanta Rita Elementary SchoolGranger SchoolPatsy Sommer ElementaryWestside ElementaryVista Ridge High School


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